XCMG's Ultra-Large-Tonnage Mining Truck Expands its International Footprint

September 20,2024

September 19

XCMG XDE260 double-axle rigid mining vehicles were gloriously delivered in batches to Oceania. This is another milestone in XCMG's large-scale open-pit mining equipment going overseas, further expanding the high-end mining market and demonstrating the outstanding strength of China's equipment manufacturing.

XCMG Mining Machinery General Manager Geng Jiawen, Oceania Regional General Manager of the International Business Headquarters He Minghu, and Mining Machinery International Business Center General Manager Ren Hua, together with more than 100 customer representatives and employee representatives, gathered together to witness this milestone moment.

Delivering the Golden Key

XCMG's super mining equipment once again received "likes" from the high-end market

Facing the global high-end mining market

Facing ultra-high standards of certification requirements

Where does XCMG's confidence come from?

Strong equipment manufacturing capabilities are the basis of XCMG

At the delivery site, Geng Jiawen expressed XCMG Mining Machinery's confidence in carrying out its mission and vision of "leading engineering technology and equipping a better future" and providing global mining customers with better-quality, more efficient and reliable mining equipment solutions.

XCMG's XDE260 double-axle rigid mining truck is a classic overseas model known as the "mining warrior". With its super carrying capacity, super high operating efficiency and hard-core quality, it has successfully represented China's high-end heavy-duty mining trucks to go abroad, and has been exported to Europe, South America and other places, winning wide praise and trust from global customers, proving the super strength of "Chinese equipment manufacturing".

This delivery is of great significance. This is the first time that a Chinese mining equipment company has broken the local market competition pattern and achieved batch delivery, which means that Chinese manufacturing represented by XCMG has been recognized by the international high-end market again, filling the gap in XCMG's global mining machinery market, and also marking that Chinese mining equipment has successfully "entered and stood firm" on the world stage.

Establishing industry standards and meeting market demand with high quality

Compared with light mining vehicles, large-tonnage heavy-load mining vehicles are undoubtedly the peak of technical challenges. There are only a handful of companies in the world that can successfully develop, manufacture and mass-produce them. XCMG, as a pioneer in China's high-end mining equipment, has been widely recognized by the international high-end market.

Customer representatives on site said that XCMG's mining equipment's superb engineering capabilities, leading technical strength and perfect after-sales service guarantee system are important factors that prompted the two parties to reach this cooperation.

Relying on the global R&D platform, XCMG focuses on improving the reliability, safety and advancement of its products, and deeply participates in the formulation of national mining technical standards, creating industry-leading XCMG standards, and continuously provides complete solutions for the entire life cycle through innovation across the entire industry chain.

The XDE260 double-axle rigid mining car delivered this time not only meets XCMG's high-standard quality manufacturing, but also fully meets the stringent use requirements of high-end mines, and exceeds customer acceptance expectations, demonstrating XCMG's confidence and strength as a global mining equipment service provider.

Those who share the same aspirations will not consider mountains and seas as far away; those who share the same ideals will be linked by their original aspirations. XCMG will unswervingly adhere to the main strategy of internationalization, cooperate with the global mining industry chain allies, help Chinese equipment manufacturing shine on the international stage, and continue to make positive contributions to the prosperity and progress of the global mining industry.

Source : www.51cm.com

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