Zoomlion at the First Frankfurt China-Europe Enterprise ESG Best Case Conference

September 18,2024

On September 13, local time, the first Frankfurt China-Europe Enterprise ESG Best Case Conference was held at the Frankfurt Exhibition Center in Germany. Zoomlion won the "Digital Transformation Excellent Case Award" for its outstanding achievements in digital transformation, which not only demonstrated Zoomlion's leading position in the global equipment manufacturing industry, but also reflected the industry's high recognition of Zoomlion's continuous efforts in the ESG field.

Zoomlion’s digital transformation case won the Outstanding Case Award

The conference was themed "Joining forces to shape the future" and was hosted by the Chinese Consulate General in Frankfurt, with KPMG as the knowledge partner. It was also co-organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, the International Communication Development Center of the China Foreign Language Bureau, the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, the Frankfurt International Auto Parts Exhibition, the German-Chinese Business Federation and other institutions. It aims to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation between Chinese and European companies in the field of sustainable development, promote Chinese companies to establish the concept of high-quality development, and cultivate new quality productivity in international development cooperation. Zhang Cheng, deputy general manager of Zoomlion Western Europe, was invited to attend and participate in the corporate roundtable dialogue to share the company's experience and achievements in ESG strategy and practice.

"Zoomlion is one of the earliest Chinese equipment manufacturers to embark on an international journey. In recent years, the company has promoted the successful experience of domestic digital transformation to the global market and built a unique "end-to-end, digital, and localized" overseas business system. The company's R&D centers, production bases, market networks, and service systems are spread all over the world, and its products and services cover more than 140 countries and regions on seven continents. Overseas business accounts for nearly 50% of total revenue, achieving leapfrog development. In the process of overseas development, Zoomlion has deeply implemented the ESG concept, continuously integrated into local economic and social development, and contributed to local sustainable development," Zhang Cheng introduced.

It is reported that Zoomlion relies on digital technology to break through the limitations of time and space, realize the twin mapping of the front line of the market and the front and back ends of the Chinese headquarters, realize the management of every overseas employee, every order, and every piece of equipment, and form a global unified operation and management system. The global business operates 24 hours a day, seamlessly linked, and operates in a standardized and orderly manner.

Through the "airport + ground force" model, Zoomlion has more than 3,000 localized employees worldwide. This model of combining digitalization and localization further promotes the localization of the company's manufacturing, sales, services, finance, operations, and personnel, greatly improves operational efficiency, and more comprehensively integrates into the local economic and social development. For example, by recruiting local employees, employment has been increased, tax revenue has been created, local welfare has been effectively improved, and the sustainable development of the local society has been contributed to. At the same time, local employees are familiar with local culture and local markets, which reduces cultural conflicts, shortens the distance to customers, and improves corporate benefits.

This model of Zoomlion also allows us to better understand the needs of local customers at the front end and the front line, connect the front-line market with product research and development, and create "localized" products that truly meet the needs of the local market. For example, the company has launched a series of high-end, intelligent, and green products that meet local needs, such as hybrid mixer trucks and electric aerial work platforms, in line with the needs of the European market. These products not only improve the working environment, but also help the local low-carbon green development.

In the future, Zoomlion will continue to use new technologies such as new digital, new energy, and new materials as engines. While enabling its own high-quality development, it will actively practice the ESG concept, improve environmental performance, strengthen social responsibility, and optimize the governance structure, and work with global partners to promote the equipment manufacturing industry towards green and sustainable development.

Source : www.51cm.com

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