XCMG Pure Electric Mixer Truck High Temperature Maintenance "Cool" Policy

August 05,2024

Pay attention to the battery first

When the SOC value on the dashboard is less than 30%, it means that the battery is low and should be charged in time.

After driving in hot weather, try not to charge the vehicle immediately. It is best to leave the vehicle alone for a while to allow the power battery to fully dissipate heat.

Use a charging gun to charge the battery at least once a month to avoid false alarms caused by unbalanced battery cells.

Pay attention to the cooling system. Regularly check whether the cooling fan is working properly, check the coolant level and quality, and pay attention to the water pump circulation in time. The mechanical condition can be determined by its vibration.

Pay attention to the battery's water cooling system. If the cooling system fault light comes on, go to a maintenance station for inspection and repair as soon as possible.

Tire/brake inspection

High temperatures in summer can easily increase tire pressure, increasing the risk of tire blowouts. It is recommended to check tire pressure regularly and keep it within the normal range, and avoid long-term high-speed driving and sudden braking to reduce tire wear and overheating.

In hot weather, if the brake hub is found to be hot, the mixer truck should be stopped in time to cool down, but do not use physical cooling methods such as pouring cold water.

Source : www.51cm.com

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