Liugong Jianghan Tower Crane Helps Projects in many places!

July 25,2024

Liugong Jianghan JHT8045 tower crane helps projects all over the country to be advanced efficiently!Smart empowerment

Helping to build Shanghai Bay Area East Lake International Innovation Center

Shanghai Bay Area East Lake International Innovation Center is the first science and technology park invested by Hubei Liantou East Lake High-tech Group in Shanghai. The JHT8045 tower crane bravely took on the task, fully demonstrated the advantages of equipment stability and efficiency, and effectively guaranteed the progress of the project!Building a city cultural landmark

Ningbo Zhenhai Science and Technology Cultural and Creative Center Project

Ningbo Zhenhai Science and Technology Cultural and Creative Center Project is a local smart construction benchmark project. JHT8045 is also a digital intelligent tower crane with excellent performance and strong adaptability. The whole machine is equipped with 5G Internet of Things control, digital security monitoring, video monitoring, ZigBee group tower anti-collision control, structural posture safety monitoring, slewing and swing reduction and other intelligent technologies to escort the construction of customers' smart construction sites.Building Ganzhou Science and Technology Innovation Center

Gushan Innovation Valley Project

Since the construction of the Gushan Innovation Valley project started, it has overcome many difficulties such as the difficulty of construction. Through the careful deployment of personnel and equipment, it has made every effort to ensure safety, grasp quality, and rush progress. Together with the Jianghan JHT8045 tower crane, it has built a future science and technology innovation center and promoted a new engine for urban development.China Rare Earth Group Headquarters and Science and Technology Innovation Center Project

The China Rare Earth Group Innovation Industrial Base Project is the first central enterprise headquarters in Ganzhou, and is also an advanced manufacturing cluster applied in the modernization of key industrial chains of manufacturing in Ganzhou. The JHT8045 tower crane escorts the project hoisting with its safety and efficiency.Building the world's largest span double-deck suspension bridge

Yanji Yangtze River Bridge

After weather and environmental tests, JHT8045 has always maintained a stable, efficient and safe operating state, effectively ensuring the bridge's penetration. The construction of the largest span suspension bridge also demonstrates the style of the China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group's national bridge construction team.Building the "Best Library in Asia"

Wuhan Library Project

At the construction site, whether it is tower crane installation or hoisting operations, Jianghan Tower Crane is full of praise: "Jianghan Tower Crane is of good quality, very stable when hoisting equipment, very stable for long-term continuous operation every day, the cab space is large and comfortable, and it is very comfortable to drive."Construction of Xi'an Weiyang District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Construction Project

There are too many hardcore projects with busy hoisting and tight construction schedules in infrastructure construction. The more challenging, the calmer. JHT8045 always welcomes continuous hoisting tasks with the best equipment operation status.

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