XCMG Intelligent Pure Electric Loaders Delivered to Ports in batches

July 23,2024

In the hot summer, people can get work done in the office with the air conditioner on.

Recently, this happened in a large port in southern my country.

Press the accelerator key to build a green smart port. Nearly 10 6-7 ton XCMG large-tonnage pure electric loaders were delivered in batches, including this star intelligent product, the XCMG XC968-EV remote-controlled pure electric loader, which is mainly responsible for clearing large cargo ships. This is also the first time that the port has used pure electric remote-controlled equipment in the loading and unloading unit.

It is necessary to increase production capacity and be green and environmentally friendly

In recent years, with the development of ports and the increase in loading and unloading tasks, larger tonnage and more efficient loaders can better meet the loading and unloading needs. At the same time, in order to practice the concept of green development and quickly promote the construction of green smart ports, the port is making every effort to promote the "oil-to-electricity" of the terminal.

At the beginning of the purchase, the port calculated an economic account of emission reduction and energy conservation: the use of pure electric loaders can reduce diesel consumption by about 360 tons per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 1,200 tons. Based on an estimated annual operating volume of 3,000 hours per unit, this is equivalent to a cumulative saving of about 2.5 million yuan in diesel costs per year. This account is of great significance in promoting the construction of green ports.

XCMG has won wide market favor with its industry-first "three-motor" technical solution, and has successfully combined large-tonnage technology with it to develop large-tonnage pure electric products of 7 to 11 tons, providing more options for the green upgrade of the port industry. The batch entry of XCMG's large-tonnage pure electric loaders is a proof of the port industry's trust in XCMG's large-tonnage new energy technology.

XCMG helps build a green and smart port

"Compared with traditional fuel loaders, electric loaders are not only highly automated and have good carrying capacity, but also more energy-saving and economical, no exhaust pollution, and low noise. These new green equipment will be integrated into the port area production boom, and continue to add new impetus to the high-quality construction of green ports!" At the delivery ceremony, the person in charge of equipment procurement of the port group expressed great expectations for the future operation prospects of XCMG's pure electric loaders.

Building a green and smart port and making it intelligent is also one of the port's development goals. XCMG's XC968-EV remote-controlled pure electric loader uses communication and control technology to achieve remote control, making it safer to separate people from vehicles. Through cameras, sensors and other devices, the machine's working status is monitored without blind spots, the operating environment is truly restored, and operating instructions are transmitted in real time to ensure efficiency. XCMG continues to explore engineering technology and build a green and smart port.

In the future, XCMG will continue to work hand in hand with customers in the port industry to thoroughly implement and implement the concept of green development, increase technology research and development to output more new energy loading machinery products, help customers gradually eliminate old fuel equipment, expand the application scope of new energy loading machinery, and contribute XCMG's strength to the construction of green and smart ports!

Source : www.51cm.com

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