LiuGong 5000 Asphalt Mixing Plant Assist in the Construction of Expressway

July 15,2024

On July 10, LiuGong delivered a 5000-type asphalt mixing plant, joining forces with China Railway 20th Bureau to jointly write a new chapter in the construction of Meitai Expressway.

A full set of equipment, showing professional strength

LiuGong's full set of equipment appeared at the construction site, from the water-stabilizing layer to the asphalt layer, every link shows LiuGong's professionalism and strength:

•Water-stabilizing layer construction:

Two 509 E pavers, three 6622E single steel wheel rollers, one 6530E rubber wheel roller, one 6213E large double steel wheel, one 6036E small double steel wheel and other equipment work together to ensure that every inch of the road surface is as solid as a rock.

• Asphalt layer construction:

A 5000 asphalt mixing plant, a 513E paver, a 509E paver, three 6213E large double steel wheels, two 6530E rubber-wheel rollers, a 6036E small double steel wheel and other equipment are all used to carefully pave every kilometer of high-quality road surface.

Customer praise, testimony of excellent technology

Customer praise is our driving force. They consistently reported that LiuGong pavers have excellent anti-segregation control performance, and the core sampling test results after construction were excellent! This is not only a recognition of LiuGong's technology, but also a testimony to their trust in the LiuGong brand.

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