30 LiuGong electric loaders delivered in batches!

July 08,2024

Batch delivery, customer first choice

LiuGong electric loaders have won wide acclaim from steel customers and have become a solid force in promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. More than 70% of steel customers in the region choose LiuGong Electric, with a market share far ahead.

Every delivery is a green commitment. LiuGong electric loaders have zero emissions and low noise, and have withstood the test of the harsh operating environment of steel companies. From high temperature to dust, from continuous operation to high load bearing, the completion of each task is a re-verification of the strong adaptability and reliability of LiuGong electric loaders. Green power builds the Great Wall of Steel, is efficient and energy-saving, and protects clear water and blue sky.

LiuGong electric loaders interpret "customer first choice" with strength, and work with steel companies to create a sustainable "green future".

In 1966, LiuGong successfully developed the first wheel loader Z435

In 2019, LiuGong released the first pure electric loader and the first 5G loader

In 2020, LiuGong delivered its 450,000th loader

More than 60 years of experience in construction machinery

Low-key and steady performance demonstrates the kingly style Quality comes from focus

Source : www.51cm.com

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