Wuzheng Environmental Protection Technology Blue Brand Compressed Garbage Truck

May 06,2024

Wuzheng Environmental Protection Technology Blue Label Compressed Garbage Truck is the latest small-volume and large-capacity compressed garbage truck developed by Wuzheng Environmental Protection Technology that can carry a blue label. Lightweight design, simple and beautiful, excellent performance, large loading capacity, the vehicle height is only 2100mm, it can easily enter the basement and travel smoothly in urban alleys, residential areas, streets and village roads.

The appearance of the vehicle box is arc-shaped and linear. The material is welded with high-strength weather-resistant plates. It is not easy to deform, has strong wear resistance and corrosion resistance. It is mainly used to carry compressed garbage. Compression collaborative design, automated operations, complete garbage dumping without spillage, and no waiting for unloading buckets, achieving a 20% improvement in garbage collection efficiency!

Wuzheng Environmental Protection Technology's Blue Brand Compressed Garbage Trucks can also conduct real-time vehicle monitoring, personnel supervision, operation management, and automatic production of electronic ledgers through the Internet of Vehicles platform to provide users with more efficient, stable, and easy-to-maintain operation solutions.

In addition, users can choose different tipping buckets according to different garbage collection methods: tipping buckets, tipping buckets, swing arms and other loading devices to meet the needs of different collection and transportation scenarios.


Source : www.51cm.com

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